Turbo Dry™ and Turbo Dry™ III
The Turbo Dry™ III is a high speed self serve car wash dryer. It is activated by the customer, and directed to the precise areas that the customer needs to dry. It is fast and efficient, using high speed blowing motors to force air through a hose and nozzle mounted on a boom to reach the entire vehicle.
A quieter, high performance, durable, more
energy efficient, self-serve drying solution.
- Compact Design
- Stainless Steel Cover for Longer Motor Life
- More Energy Efficient Technology
- Exterior Mounted on Roof
- 5’3” Wall Mounted Dryer Boom (standard)
- 12’ x 2” Hose & 3’ x 2” Hose (standard)
- Turbo Dry™ Nozzle & Nozzle Holder (standard)
- In-Bay Turbo Dry™ Sign (standard)
- Boom Extensions & Banners (optional)

Turbo Dry™
A powerful in-bay drying solution
- Surface Mounted in the Wash Bay
- Stainless Steel Dome Covering
- Multiple Drying Motors Feed a Single Hose
- 5’3” Wall Mounted Dryer Boom (standard)
- 12’ x 2” Hose & 3’ x 2” Hose (standard)
- Turbo Dry™ Nozzle & Nozzle Holder (standard)
- In-Bay Turbo Dry™ Sign
- Optional In-Bay Covers Available